Make Your Own Way
Each of our young men are unique, each are special. We are so proud of our guys and the responsible decisions that they make and the paths that each have chosen to take. We have boys that have chosen athletics others are involved in their community. Many are just enjoying scouting and are active and involved.
Scouting has many opportunities for our young men. Our troop is planning a very active 2010. Sports and the outdoors. Fun and excitement. We are really looking forward to a great year.
I think what really makes great leaders is an honest understanding for the individual itself. The uniquness of each of the boys. Learning what makes everybody tick. Each boy responds to a different thing. It takes great leaders to bring that out and to nourish it.
Training and ongoing learning. Just as in life you are always learning as leaders. A little planning and some good ideas and just great fun.
Boy Scouting has been one of the truly greatest opportunities I have had in my life. A very rewarding and honorable event I will always look upon in this life. Some parents just don't know what they are missing. Some say I really don't do dirt and bugs, well we do and we do it well. Nothing like some great bugs and it! Others say I'm not the outdoors type, well we are, would rather be outdoors then in. I would rather be Kayaking right now but have to write this post. Just mention climbing or creeks or mud or bugs and I'm there.
Thats what makes us so lucky,its that part of the boys that we get to enjoy with them, we share their love for just being crazy and dirty and messy and funny and strange at times. They get to be who they really are...Boys! Fun loving creatures. Wet shoes and dirty smelly socks and mud to their eyeballs. Nobody cares and nobody yells and they are fine and so are we. Hey its their feet and they don't care. It's the experience. Thats why we are blessed. I'm so glad to be a member of Boy Scouts and I can't ever imagine it being any other way! Thanks boys I think you are each.... Making Your Own Way! Follow the music YOU Hear! That is very hard in todays world but I think each of you is finding the perfect tunes!
Happy 4th of July to all. Off to the fireworks!
Labels: Thought Of The Day
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